Lost Cat: Enoch

Lost Cat: Enoch

Lost at 06:00 pm on 09/07/2017

Last seen:  Manzer Road, Sooke, BC
Other sightings: No further sightings.
Collar? No
Breed, colours, description: DMH, gray, leopard tabby, long body, long tail, skinny. Multiple health issues: noisy breathing due to allergies, hypothyroidism, stage 3.5 kidney disease, high blood pressure.
Gender: Male
Age: 17 years, 2 months
Number of years with owner: 17 years
Spayed / Neutered? No
General Health: poor, multiple health issues
Chip / Tattoo? No
Chip / Tattoo details:
Likes, fears, temperament: Cheerios, cheese, seafood, meat, liver.Fears other animals not his own.Very mellow, easygoing, quiet. Strolls everywhere in full sight, no skulking through bushes.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

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