Resources to find your lost pet
Tips for Finding your Missing Cat
If he/she uses a litter box, we suggest putting the DIRTY one outside (in a dry spot) near your house. Also take something that smells like you, and put it in a crate, or something else that will stay dry. (A large plastic garbage bag will sometimes fit right over a cat crate to keep it nice and dry.) Place a bowl of water out as well. If you put food out, put just a little bit so that he/she stays hungry and will be more inclined to stick around.
Posters are a key factor in helping to get cats home. If your cat doesn’t return the same day, we suggest making up at least 25-30 posters (to start.) Put them up all over the neighbourhood. Bus shelters and community mailbox stations are good places to post them, as are telephone poles. Place the posters in plastic covers (with the opening at the bottom), so that they stay dry. These can be purchased at Monks, Staples, or other office supply stores. Large Glad Storage Bags also work well and cost around $4 for 40 (from Walmart.)
Also knock on neighbours doors and ask them to check their garages, sheds, and any place that your cat could be hiding in their yard.

Of course all of you dog lovers will never forget the feeling of having your first dog. Well this is my first baby. we couldnt be anymore greatful for the Roam and Raincoast Foundation. She had 2 batches of pups 17 all together. It was the most stressful time for her and myself. But she is happy, running around playing and enjoying the freedom she now has. HISKWE HALE! (Thank you everyone) from the James family and Saiya
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the people you have helped and supported. Operating a service available at no cost to animal owners at a time of need and hearing about your contribution from a fellow dog owner. You are well appreciated, have been successful in your mantra and are COMPLETELY APPRECIATED BY THE LIVES YOU TOUCH AND THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN FORTUNATE TO HAVE YOU AVAILABLE IF NEED BE. THANK YOU FOR DEMONSTRATING THE GOOD AND GREATER GOOD IN YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COMMUNITY. MORE THAN 5 STARS AND A STANDING OVATION, KEEP DOING WHAT YOUR DOING. Holly B
You guys are amazing and I’m so happy that we could find Fletcher within 1 day!! Your system seems to work awesome and I am so thankful.
Courtney B
My family cannot possibly thank all of you enough!!!! ROAM admin & volunteers were so truly amazing through this whole experience. Working so closely with Victoria Animal Control Services who were also absolutely wonderful! Passing out posters, Tigo ‘chits’, driving, walking, sharing on social media and with people in the neighborhood. Working with our family and friends who were stressed and scared and had no idea what to do. You all were so calm, reassuring, present, knowledgeable, and patient with us. We are truly overwhelmed by how our community came together for us, perfect strangers, on Christmas (!!), to find our lost puppy. Tigo made his way home because of all of your hard work over a solid 24hr period. With all of our hearts we thank you!!!!
Bonnie L
Words cannot express how grateful I am, you guys are absolutely amazing! Thank you thank you thank you! Saban is safe and sound and I couldn’t be more relieved.
Ella B
I would like to thank Terry and the ROAM Team for being there for my family when I lost my dog. Within hours after completing the lost pet application, I had three ROAM team members contact me by phone. The ROAM team was quick to respond to my application. They were efficient and ensured they had the correct information about my dog and the location on where he was lost. And, when talking with them on the phone they were understanding, supportive and encouraging. I cannot say enough good things about the ROAM Team and the service they provide. Thank you again! Yvette S
Yvette - July 2020
Our sweet little girl was brought home to us last night thanks in no small part to the folks at ROAM. We were put in touch with Terry by Lesley at Helping Paws Okanagan to help us bring home our missing dog and he was nothing short of exceptional – he was available anytime day or night, answered all our questions, laid out a clear plan that was way to follow, and spoke with a certainty and a confidence that was so reassuring. He kept us calm and focused on what we needed to do to get her back. What you do and the knowledge you have is truly a gift to animal lovers everywhere! Thank you so much Terry and ROAM – we could not have done it without you!
Brette R (August 3, 2020)
There is no better feeling to have your dogs returned no worse than wear after fearing the worse. ROAM just happened along at the exact time the dogs needed protection from heavy traffic. You were the angels I prayed for…talk about the stars lining up! Thank you, thank you, thank you. There are no words to express my happiness to have my fur babies safely home and curled up in my lap sleeping off their adventure. We are closely inspecting our fencing to find the breech and have contracted a company to cross fence our back yard to keep our “Adventuress and Houdini” out of our natural area and away from bunny trails…their world will be downsized so hopefully, we’ll not go through this again. Barb and Terry you have hearts of gold and are doing such important work. May your lives be blessed for all you do…
Yvonne Y
Ryder is safe and at home with us. Thank you to Terry and Rachel and all of the ROAM volunteers who contributed to the safe return of our dog. We had several sightings early this morning following the route I took while looking for him today. We found him at Ash and Edgemont and with Terry’s exceptional guidance were able to reunite with our boy. We cannot say thank you enough to all who helped and sent messages of support. ROAM as an organization was outstanding start to finish. We could not have done this without ROAM. I cannot praise them highly enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!💕
Deb H
ROAM was our rock during the 98-day stretch our dog Olive was out on her own. The amount of effort the volunteers put in to her homecoming was absolutely amazing! They helped canvas neighborhoods, drove around at all hours, postered endlessly, organized a search party, set up feed stations equipped with cameras and delicious meats, watched live traps that had been customized with her fear of metal in mind, and constantly offered us their support and encouragement. Terry even flew to Arizona to pick up the remote-operated drop net used to capture her! At that time, Olive was regularly going to a feed station situated along a busy roadway. We were all concerned that her luck might run out with so much nearby traffic and the potential time lost with shipping was what prompted Terry’s flight. It really is impossible to put in to words everything ROAM did for us. Olive did not make capture an easy task! She moved neighborhoods frequently (View Royal, Colwood, Sidney, & Brentwood Bay), ran from any approach, and refused to go in to any trap as she had been trapped in the past. No matter how hopeless things felt at times, giving up was not an option considered by us or ROAM. We are so thankful that such a dedicated and positive group of people exists and were able to resolve this difficult case. It is an absolute pleasure to have our wild “little monkey” home again. Thank you Terry, Barb, Lesli, Rachel, Cyndi, Linda, Barry, Darlene…and all of the rest of the ROAM volunteers! You guys are the best.
Julianna, James and Olive