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Contact ROAM

We welcome your inquiries! We can be contacted by mail, phone, email or by filling out the form below. Letters can be sent to ROAM BC, 1739 Mayneview Terrace, North Saanich, BC V8L 4L5 Canada.

If your enquiry is in regards to a ‘Lost or Found Pet’, please complete the appropriate form from the ‘Lost and Found Menu’ above,  or send an email to 

778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

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    All we can say is wow! How this all played out tonight was not how we imagined it would go down. But I’m glad it did…. Jeny and I were talking with another neighbor outside for about 15 minutes after Terry and Barb left. Chewy must have been the first to hear the jingling of Rusty’s collar, then Jeny, then me. Chewy walked around Joel’s house and brought our Rusty to us…. It was so surreal. But the the real people who helped bring our family back together again was all the wonderful people from ROAM, and all the wonderful community from WP. ROAM is a great family as well! Thank you to Lesli, Rachel, Dixie, Carrie, Deb, Cyndi and Michelle for all your countless hours of spotting, putting posters up, placing signs all over the place! Cory and Bailey…. Thank you! I know this was just as hard on you two as it was on us. You stayed with us and also stayed positive always helping with our search. Communicating with us in the early days was crucial to helping find Rusty! Donna and Andy…. what can we say? You two have been there right from the beginning, you offered to help when you didn’t have to… you opened your home to us and made us feel welcome… you opened your hearts. For that, we are for ever grateful for the both of you. Joel And Katyanna…. you had strangers creeping around your house and you welcomed us because you also experienced losing Petme. You paid it forward and we thank you for that! George and Nette, George was always there to support our family. From bringing us dinner in the woods, to giving up his favourite chocolate almonds,or hiking through the woods searching. And of course my tiny little older sister who has the largest heart that I’ve ever seen. She hiked hours on end and was the first who suspected the howling dog was Rusty, which she was right! She never gave up…. As she said, family never gives up on each other. Terry and Barb…. there’s no word that we can say that can fully describe how thankful we are for your help. Your experience and advice helped us stay calm and gave us hope to never give up! You kept us involved with every decision, every strategy and assured us we will find him. With out you, I don’t know if would have ever found Rusty. You didn’t just help us find a dog, you helped us find a lost family member who to me is one of my kids! I would be lost without him! Thank you all so much!   Moises and Jeny