Contact ROAM
We welcome your inquiries! We can be contacted by mail, phone, email or by filling out the form below. Letters can be sent to ROAM BC, 1739 Mayneview Terrace, North Saanich, BC V8L 4L5 Canada.
If your enquiry is in regards to a ‘Lost or Found Pet’, please complete the appropriate form from the ‘Lost and Found Menu’ above, or send an email to
778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265
All the way from Parliament Hill, in our Nations Capital, I want to say, thank you to ROAM for your volunteers, and for all they do for others helping find our loved, 4 legged fury kids. Your kindness and care for our missing pets is more than appreciated. Thank you for “being there” for us and Cholo..who is now, home safe and sound, in his Mama’s arms. Words can not thank you enough. Thank you…over and over again.
Barb L (Cholo)

Of course all of you dog lovers will never forget the feeling of having your first dog. Well this is my first baby. we couldnt be anymore greatful for the Roam and Raincoast Foundation. She had 2 batches of pups 17 all together. It was the most stressful time for her and myself. But she is happy, running around playing and enjoying the freedom she now has. HISKWE HALE! (Thank you everyone) from the James family and Saiya
A huge thank you to ROAM and all of the the kind volunteers who dropped everything to look for our beloved runaway Kalle!! We were absolutely astounded at how quickly ROAM immobilized after I got in touch. Within an hour they had posters printed and volunteers scouring Mt. Doug. Every walker I stopped on the mountain to ask if they had seen my missing dog had already seen a poster and/or been approached by someone else! I couldn’t believe it. We are so very, very grateful for everyone’s efforts. We were so distraught that Kalle was missing but were very heartened by realizing what a caring community we live in. It was a long 6 hours, but all’s well that ends well!! Thank you all!! And another huge thank you to the kind woman that pulled over and rescued him from Blenkinsop Road when he ran into traffic! I was too overwhelmed to get her name. Kalle and I will be enjoying an ON-LEASH walk today in the beautiful sunshine.
Sarah E
This is a very sincere thank you to ROAM for the excellent and immediate response I received when I contacted Lesli to report that my cat Mugsy was missing. After my week of fruitless searching, Lesli, through her contacts, already had a picture of Mugsy on the ROAM web site and I was able to focus my search where he was last sighted. Getting him back that night was wonderful. Thanks again to ROAM and everyone who contributed to his return with their words of encouragement.
Gail G
ROAM was our rock during the 98-day stretch our dog Olive was out on her own. The amount of effort the volunteers put in to her homecoming was absolutely amazing! They helped canvas neighborhoods, drove around at all hours, postered endlessly, organized a search party, set up feed stations equipped with cameras and delicious meats, watched live traps that had been customized with her fear of metal in mind, and constantly offered us their support and encouragement. Terry even flew to Arizona to pick up the remote-operated drop net used to capture her! At that time, Olive was regularly going to a feed station situated along a busy roadway. We were all concerned that her luck might run out with so much nearby traffic and the potential time lost with shipping was what prompted Terry’s flight. It really is impossible to put in to words everything ROAM did for us. Olive did not make capture an easy task! She moved neighborhoods frequently (View Royal, Colwood, Sidney, & Brentwood Bay), ran from any approach, and refused to go in to any trap as she had been trapped in the past. No matter how hopeless things felt at times, giving up was not an option considered by us or ROAM. We are so thankful that such a dedicated and positive group of people exists and were able to resolve this difficult case. It is an absolute pleasure to have our wild “little monkey” home again. Thank you Terry, Barb, Lesli, Rachel, Cyndi, Linda, Barry, Darlene…and all of the rest of the ROAM volunteers! You guys are the best.
Julianna, James and Olive
Our sweet little girl was brought home to us last night thanks in no small part to the folks at ROAM. We were put in touch with Terry by Lesley at Helping Paws Okanagan to help us bring home our missing dog and he was nothing short of exceptional – he was available anytime day or night, answered all our questions, laid out a clear plan that was way to follow, and spoke with a certainty and a confidence that was so reassuring. He kept us calm and focused on what we needed to do to get her back. What you do and the knowledge you have is truly a gift to animal lovers everywhere! Thank you so much Terry and ROAM – we could not have done it without you!
Brette R (August 3, 2020)

On behalf of Queenie, all the local volunteers and the Puerto Vallarta SPCA (PVCA) we want to express our sincere gratitude for Terry of ROAM for his assistance. As you know Queenie arrived in Canada and was lost very shortly afterward, in the North Vancouver winter. She didn’t know where she was, and wasn’t used to the winter. As a rescue from Mexico, we relied on a group of random volunteers that came together, as well as a PVCA rescuer that flew up from Mexico. Within a very short time, you dropped everything to come to Vancouver despite the distance, with your equipment, your guidance, and your dedication. And even after leaving you were with us supporting remotely. Your contribution and your dedication to this dog and this group of strangers gives me great faith in humanity. We are grateful beyond words.
Deanna P
You guys may have only helped me for a day, but you gave me the strength and positivity to help me find my beautiful baby girl! I can’t thank you enough for everything you did, especially being so far away! You guys do an incredible thing, thanks again!!!
Kaitlyn (Langley BC)
You guys are amazing and I’m so happy that we could find Fletcher within 1 day!! Your system seems to work awesome and I am so thankful.
Courtney B
Dear ROAM, How can we possibly express our gratitude to the ROAM team?? Our cat Blue went missing 1.5 years ago and you are the reason he is back home with our family today. We rescued blue when he was a kitten through Dee’s Orphan Kitten Fund. He was found in a dumpster downtown with a broken tail. He instantly became a part of our family and a best friend to our daughter (age 2.5 at the time). He was the sweetest, most beautiful cat we had ever seen. We had 3 years with Blue until Boxing Day of 2018 when he went outside and didn’t return. With your help we posted missing posters everywhere and searched for months on end. I remember one member of your team encouraging me not to give up hope, that her cat had gone missing for 10 months and was found safe and healthy. We kept up hope for about a year before we started to realize he wasn’t coming back. That didn’t stop our daughter Hayden. She continued to talk about Blue regularly. Almost every picture she’d draw and every story she’d write in her school journal was about Blue. Two days ago when you texted me that picture of him I literally could not believe my eyes. A year and a half later???! The staff at the Point Ellis House where Blue had been spotted were so accommodating and helpful. The fact that you had him trapped within 24 hours is unbelievable!!! You were all so excited…. it’s extremely obvious how dedicated you all are to your cause. Blue is back home today and it’s like he never left. You warned me he could be frightened for a while which is what I also expected but the second I called his name he came right into my arms. Hayden has her best friend back thanks to you and we look forward to having many more years with him! I don’t think I could ever EVER express how grateful we are for what you have done for us. We will never forget this!!! Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ Leanne, Nick & Hayden
Leanne (July 4, 2020)