Roaming Cat: Saanichton, BC

Roaming Cat: Saanichton, BC

Last seen at 05:00 pm on 02/12/2018

Last seen: Saanichton, BC
Other sightings: Kitty comes and goes from the farm, asking for food, nervous but friendly.
Collar? No
Breed, colours, description: Seems like a young male but I am not certain. He is a tabby. I sent a pic using the found cat form, this is a better one of same cat…may have filled out the wrong form first as he does come and go on his own…he is there @ the farm daily for the past couple of weeks now though.
Gender: Unsure
General temperament: Nervous but friendly, talkative.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

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