Roaming Dog: Gillespie Road, Sooke, BC

Roaming Dog: Gillespie Road, Sooke, BC

Last seen at 04:20 pm on 03/03/2018

Last seen: Gillespie Road, Sooke, BC
Other sightings: Just saw a Black and Tan dog wandering on guillspie near the East Sooke sign. She had milk in her teets so I’m guessing she’s a new mommy! Red collar!!!
Collar? Yes
Breed, colours, description: Just saw a Black and Tan dog wandering on guillspie near the East Sooke sign. She had milk in her teets so I’m guessing she’s a new mommy! Red collar!!!
Gender: Female
General temperament: Calm – sniffing

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

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