
Deceased Lost Dog ~ Charlie

Deceased Lost Dog ~ Charlie

Lost at 09:00 pm on 03/31/2018

Last seen: 4700West Saanich Road, Saanich, BC
Other sightings:
Collar? Yes
Tags: Saanich dog tag
Breed, colours, description: DobermanX brown and black with a white stomach patch has a cyst on his forehead and still has a dew claw Healthy built Was wearing a green collar with Saanich dog tag.
Gender: Male
Age: Approx 9
Number of years with owner: 7
Spayed / Neutered? Yes
General Health: Healthy
Chip / Tattoo? No
Chip / Tattoo details:
Likes, fears, temperament: Loves people. Gentle giant. But if he’s unsure he will have a mean bark.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

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