Roaming Dog: 4200 Block Shelbourne Street, Saanich

Roaming Dog: 4200 Block Shelbourne Street, Saanich

Last seen at 08:30 pm on 09/19/2019

Last seen: 4200 Block Shelbourne Street, Saanich
Other sightings: A loose dog sprinted past my house and I saw it from my front door. By the time I got to the end of my driveway it was gone. No owner in sight
Collar? Unsure
Breed, colours, description: I only saw it for a brief second but it looked like a German shepard with a dark back and some lighter colour on sides and legs
Gender: Unsure
General temperament: It was sprinting, so possibly scared

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

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