OOT-Lost Cat: Anubis

OOT-Lost Cat: Anubis

Lost at 01:00 am on 03/04/2020

Actual location lost: 3113 East 46th Avenue, Killarney, Vancouver, BC
Last seen: 3113 East 46th Avenue, Killarney, Vancouver, BC
Other sightings:
Collar? No
Breed, colours, description: Norwegian Forest Cat, black with brown undercoat. Missing right eye. Kinked tail.
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Number of years with owner: 18
Spayed / Neutered? Yes
General Health: some kidney issues, was improving
Chip / Tattoo? No
Chip / Tattoo details:
Likes, fears, temperament: friendly and docile, but might not approach strangers if stressed. VERY loud when he is in his safe zone (sounds like Chewbacca).

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6265 or 778-977-6260

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