Roaming Cat: 900 Block Taine Place, Saanich

Roaming Cat: 900 Block Taine Place, Saanich

Last seen at 08:30 am on 04/13/2020

Last seen: 900 Block Taine Place, Saanich
Other sightings: Seen in Same place, around the same time, on April 11.
Collar? No
Breed, colours, description: Grey and white, small, possibly Siamese cat. Blue eyes, but wouldn’t keep them open in the sunlight for long enough to take a picture. It is quite skinny, can see it’s spine and losing fur along its back.
Gender: Unsure
General temperament: Friendly, but wouldn’t let me pick it up to take it home and feed it.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6265 or 778-977-6260

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