OOT-Lost Cat: Wallie

OOT-Lost Cat: Wallie

Lost at 10:30 am on 05/18/2020

Actual location lost: 1209 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC
Last seen: 1209 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC
Other sightings:
Collar? No
Breed, colours, description: Wallie is a short haired cat with Green eyes, His coat is mostly grey with exception to his white paws, tummy, and chin. His cheeks are also very fluffy. He runs low to the ground. He is also a very anxious kitty. Wallie is also registered with Vokra and Is tattooed and Neutered.
Gender: Male
Age: approx 6 years old
Number of years with owner: Almost 1,( 1 year in August)
Spayed / Neutered? Yes
General Health: Healthy, had a UTI almost 2 years ago
Chip / Tattoo? Yes
Chip / Tattoo details: Tattooed with Vokra
Likes, fears, temperament: Likes cheek, head and Bum scratches. Hates dogs, and very skittish around new people. He is very loving once he warms up to you. His meow is quite small and high pitched. He gets along well with other cats. When He runs away he gets quite close to the ground. He LOVES to hid.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6265 or 778-977-6260

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