Roaming Dog: Hazelton Place, Victoria

Roaming Dog: Hazelton Place, Victoria

Last seen at 07:25 pm on 10/01/2020

Last seen: Hazelton Place, Victoria, BC
Other sightings:
Collar? Yes
Breed, colours, description: Midsized, grey-black dog (maybe terrier type?) seen on Jason Place. He/she went through path and was sighted going left down Hazelton toward Lexington. I searched area but dog was travelling quickly and had vanished. I could not catch the dog and I could not see it well as it was getting dark out.
Gender: Unsure
General temperament: Friendly. He/ she ran into my garage and back garden. There must be tags on the collar as I heard a jingle sound.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

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