Roaming Cat: Lavender Avenue, Victoria, BC

Roaming Cat: Lavender Avenue, Victoria, BC

Last seen at 12:40 pm on 02/24/2021

Last seen: Lavender Avenue, Victoria, BC
Other sightings:
Collar? Yes
Tags: Unsure if there were tags
Breed, colours, description: Small brown tabby with black stripes, vibrant green eyes, white chin, purple collar.I have 2 photos but can only attach one. Please contact me if you’d like the other photo.
Gender: Unsure
General temperament: She (?) came right up to my kitchen window by jumping on the back deck railing. She meowed a few times. I opened the patio door to the deck and tossed some treats out to her. She smelled them but doesn’t seem to have had any and left almost immediately after.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6265 or 778-977-6260

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