Found Cat: Enid Place, Brentwood Bay, BC

Found Cat: Enid Place, Brentwood Bay, BC

Found at 08:00 am on 12/17/2021

Location found: Enid Place, Brentwood Bay, BC
Other sightings: This beautiful cat has been living in our yard and deck for a couple months now. We originally thought it was feral but now allows us pet it and is quite comfortable with us so must have been a pet at one time.
Collar? No
Tags details:
Breed, colours, description: Blue eyes, medium length fur, Siamese cream and brown colourings.
Gender: Unsure
Spayed / Neutered? Unsure
General Health: Appears in good health.
Tattoo? No
Tattoo details:
General temperament: Seems very sweet and really wants our affection now. Leans in to pets and purrs loud. Appears very interested in coming into the house.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6265 or 778-977-6260

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