FAMILY LOCATED – Found Cat: Sombrio Beach, British Columbia

FAMILY LOCATED – Found Cat: Sombrio Beach, British Columbia

Found at 03:30 pm on 02/11/2022

Location found: Sombrio Beach, British Columbia
Other sightings: A couple claims to have found the cat at Sombrio beach this afternoon and it is now at WAVES Veterinary Hospital.
Collar? Yes
Tags?: Yes
Tags details: Name & number
Breed, colours, description: long haired primarily grey cat with white markings, very friendly, likely middle aged.
Gender: Unsure
Spayed / Neutered? Unsure
General Health: good
Tattoo? Yes
Tattoo details: On File
General temperament: Kind and affectionate Were not sure of gender due to matts.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6265 or 778-977-6260

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