OOT: Lost Cat: Wrolf

OOT: Lost Cat: Wrolf

Lost at 01:00 am on 07/19/2022

Actual location lost: Spanish Banks Beach, British Columbia
Last seen: 4628 NW Marine Dr, Vancouver, BC V6R 1B9, Canada
Other sightings:
Collar? Yes
Tags? No
Tag details:
Breed, colours, description: Mixed. White with two big black/brown spots on the back and stripes on the head.
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Number of years with owner: 5
Spayed / Neutered? Yes
General Health: Healthy
Chip? No
Chip details:
Tattoo? No
Tattoo details:
Likes, fears, temperament: Very shy and cautious. Likes toppers (e.g., Churu) and canned food. Likes gentle taps on his butt.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6265 or 778-977-6260

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