Actual location lost: |
Great Canadian Dollar Store, 6600 Block Sooke Road, Sooke, BC |
Last seen: |
Great Canadian Dollar Store, Sooke Rd, Sooke, BC |
Other sightings: |
Collar? |
Yes |
Tags? |
No |
Tag details: |
Breed, colours, description: |
Medium sized tan dog..about 6 years old…spayed…loves people treats and squeaky balls |
Gender: |
Female |
Age: |
6 |
Number of years with owner: |
6 |
Spayed / Neutered? |
Yes |
General Health: |
Good health |
Chip? |
No |
Chip details: |
Tattoo? |
No |
Tattoo details: |
Likes, fears, temperament: |
Sometimes doesn’t like other dogs if they get in her face |