REUNITED: Lost Cat: Watson

REUNITED: Lost Cat: Watson

Lost at 07:00 am on 12/28/2022

Actual location lost: 600 block Lomax Road
Last seen: 600 block Lomax Road
Other sightings:
Collar? No
Tag details:
Breed, colours, description: Orange Tabby (Marmalade) Green Eyes
Gender: Male
Age: 3.5 Years
Number of years with owner: 2 Years
Spayed / Neutered? Yes
General Health: Good
Chip? Yes
Chip details: On file
Tattoo? Yes
Tattoo details: On file
Likes, fears, temperament: Watson was rescued with another bonded Cat. They had been abandoned on the Malahat. He has never been outside since we adopted him. Watson is most likely lost and scared.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6265 or 778-977-6260

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