Actual location lost: |
880 block Wild Ridge Way |
Last seen: |
On our deck |
Other sightings: |
Collar? |
Yes |
Tags? |
Yes |
Tag details: |
Her tag says Aji, phone number, 562 Toronto St. |
Breed, colours, description: |
Small fluffy grey and white female. She has 4 white socks, a white bib, and a bit of white on her lower muzzle. She has beautiful green eyes and a black nose. She is very, very pretty, and twirls about coquettishly if she thinks you like her. |
Gender: |
Female |
Age: |
5 years |
Number of years with owner: |
5 |
Spayed / Neutered? |
Yes |
General Health: |
Good |
Chip? |
Yes |
Chip details: |
Tattoo? |
No |
Tattoo details: |
Likes, fears, temperament: |
She’s gentle, but fiercely independent. She has a tiny meow and even when she hisses, you can barely hear her. |