Lost at 04:00 am on 06/27/2023
Actual location lost: | 2680 blk Seaview Rd, Cadboro Bay area. |
Last seen: | 2680 blk Seaview Rd. Cadboro Bay (Saanich) |
Other sightings: | |
Collar? | No |
Tags? | |
Tag details: | |
Breed, colours, description: | Grey Korat Cat, with slightly torn ears. He is 12 years old and has a tattoo in his right ear. |
Gender: | Male |
Age: | 12 |
Number of years with owner: | 8 |
Spayed / Neutered? | Yes |
General Health: | good |
Chip? | No |
Chip details: | |
Tattoo? | Yes |
Tattoo details: | On file. |
Likes, fears, temperament: | Shy, spooks easily. |