
Home via CRD Shelter – Lost Cat: Knuckles

Home via CRD Shelter – Lost Cat: Knuckles

Lost at 11:30 am on 12/23/2023

Actual location lost: Saanich, BC, Canada
Last seen: Saanich, BC, Canada
Other sightings:
Collar? No
Tag details:
Breed, colours, description: He is a grey and white tabby looking senior male cat. He is polydactyl (an extra finger on his front paws). Super friendly guy. Loves food! Unfortunately due his age and thyroid issues he is not cleaning himself as much and has lost some weight. But he is still eating and drinking lots as normal.
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Number of years with owner: 16
Spayed / Neutered? Yes
General Health: He has thyroid issues. Weight loss etc
Chip? No
Chip details:
Tattoo? Yes
Tattoo details:
Likes, fears, temperament: Loves food! Super friendly and laid back. Doesn’t hiss or give off bad energy.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6265 or 778-977-6260

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