REUNITED-Roaming Dog: 2330 Block French Road North, heading up road

REUNITED-Roaming Dog: 2330 Block French Road North, heading up road

Last seen at 06:55 pm on 06/08/2024

Last seen: 2330 Block French Road North, heading up road, Sooke
Other sightings: About 1.5 hour ago, saw neighbour chase something out of his yard into ours, thought it might be a bear, when I looked out I saw the dog. Ran in to get shoes and go out, but by then it was gone. Moments ago saw it running down hill through other neighbours property and up the road.
Collar? Unsure
Breed, colours, description: Husky or Malamut, light colour, a lot of white, mature, healthy looking.
Gender: Unsure
General temperament: Earlier was rolling in grass, now just at a trot on the move, does not respond to calling or whistling or other usual sound.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

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