Roaming Cat: 600 Block Jolly Pl, Victoria, BC V8Z 6R9, Canada

Roaming Cat: 600 Block Jolly Pl, Victoria, BC V8Z 6R9, Canada

Last seen at 09:00 am on 10/27/2017

Last seen: 600 Block Jolly Place, Saanich
Other sightings: This cat has been stuck in a tree in the park since (at least) Wednesday (it is now Friday). You can only see the cat from the east side of the park south of Jolly Place north of Canterbury Road. The municipality has declined to rescue the cat and so far no help has been found from rescue agencies
Collar? Unsure
Breed, colours, description: A well groomed largeish looking black cat. Clearly a pet – not feral.
Gender: Unsure
General temperament: Relates to people. Note that the tree where it is stuck is in the middle of the park thickets – does not look easy to access. Have looked at the cat through binoculars and he does not appear injured.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

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