REUNITED-Found Dog: Cloake Hill, North Saanich

REUNITED-Found Dog: Cloake Hill, North Saanich

Found at 07:30 am on 01/06/2022

Location found: Cloake Hill, North Saanich
Other sightings:
Collar? Perimeter fence collar
Tag details:
Breed, colours, description: Long hair with Shepard style dark/tan markings with greying muzzle. Small/medium size.
Gender: Male
Spayed / Neutered? Unsure
General Health: Seems stiff maybe from cold or age
Tattoo? No
Tattoo details:
General temperament: Seems friendly and enjoys affection. Slightly nervous under the circumstances though.

Contact ROAM:
778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

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