
Who we are

Reuniting Owners with Animals Missing Ltd. (ROAM) is a Not-for Profit Registered Canadian Charity (registered charity number #778847699RR001) established to assist owners in finding their lost or missing pets primarily focusing on Southern Vancouver Island, BC Canada. ROAM is run entirely by volunteers with 100% of monetary donations going to the animals. ROAM will operate without any financial gain for its members. The main purpose is to Promote the Welfare of Animals which is beneficial to the community in a way the law regards as charitable. This organization provides the following services in support of that mandate:

  • To rescue/assist in finding stray, abandoned, abused, or surrendered animals by:
    • Providing contact numbers to reports of stray or injured animals
    • Searching for, capturing or reporting lost, stray, abandoned, abused or surrendered animals
    • Working with other organizations for the welfare of any animals requiring assistance (such as animal rescue, SPCA, CRD, Victoria Animal Control, etc.)
    • Working with other search organizations in the best interest of helping to reunite animals with their owners.
  • Provides a forum that allows owners to communicate their pet(s) are missing
  • Provides a forum that allows finders to communicate when an animal is found or captured
  • Provides a forum that allows a spotter to communicate that an animal is loose and/or roaming
  • Providing financial assistance and support when and where appropriate (on a case by case basis) in the event an animal requires urgent veterinary care and the owner is financially unable to come up with the required funds
  • Promote education and awareness to pet owners on specific topics but not limited to:
    • Benefits of spaying or neutering domestic pets to best ensure that they won’t wander
    • Registration and identification of domestic pets
    • Prevention of lost, missing or roaming animals through the proper and secure handling
    • Extra precautionary measures in handling newly fostered or adopted dogs and cats

Funding and Donation Sources

ROAM receives its funding from a variety of sources which includes but not limited to:

  • Donations from the general public
  • Donations of gifts in kind
  • Funds through different activities such as bottle drives, car washes and other initiatives

Any profits or other assets of ROAM will be used entirely to meet its objectives.

Code of Conduct

ROAM expects the Board of Directors, Management Team as well as the many volunteers to act in a professional and ethical manner.  Individuals will be required to review and sign the Code of Conduct prior to becoming part of the ROAM team.

  • Confidentiality – We are committed to maintaining the highest degree of integrity in all our dealings with our clients and partners, keeping client information confidential when appropriate.
  • Ethics – We conduct and provide services honestly and expect our clients and partners to do the same.
  • Legal / Duty of Care – Our actions and advice will always operate and conform to the law.
  • Professional conduct – We conduct all of our activities professionally and with integrity.  We take great care to be completely objective in our judgement and any recommendations we give are never influenced by anything other than the best interests of the animal.
  • Equality and Discrimination – We strive to be fair and objective in our advice and actions, and we are never influenced in our decisions and actions by issues of gender, race, creed, colour, age or personal disability.
There is no better feeling to have your dogs returned no worse than wear after fearing the worse. ROAM just happened along at the exact time the dogs needed protection from heavy traffic. You were the angels I prayed for…talk about the stars lining up! Thank you, thank you, thank you. There are no words to express my happiness to have my fur babies safely home and curled up in my lap sleeping off their adventure. We are closely inspecting our fencing to find the breech and have contracted a company to cross fence our back yard to keep our “Adventuress and Houdini” out of our natural area and away from bunny trails…their world will be downsized so hopefully, we’ll not go through this again. Barb and Terry you have hearts of gold and are doing such important work. May your lives be blessed for all you do…
Yvonne Y