Roaming Cat: 1500 Admirals Rd, Victoria, BC
Seen at 08:00 pm on 07/06/2019
Seen at 08:00 pm on 07/06/2019
Seen at 07:49 pm on 07/06/2019
Last seen at 10:15 am on 07/05/2019 Last seen: Fairway Ave, Langford Other sightings: Collar? No Tags: Breed, colours, description: black ferret – looks smallish. Seemed very interested in us. Tried to lure it with food and gentle talking but it wouldn’t come to us. It was in our backyard. Not sure where it went […]
Found at 10:00 am on 07/04/2019
Last seen at 05:30 pm on 07/01/2019 near Jackson Street, Victoria, BC
Seen at 01:12 pm on 07/01/2019
Seen at 10:00 am on 06/30/2019
Seen at 08:12 pm on 06/28/2019
Seen at 07:11 pm on 06/28/2019
Seen at 11:37 am on 06/27/2019