Contact Us

Contact ROAM

We welcome your inquiries! We can be contacted by mail, phone, email or by filling out the form below. Letters can be sent to ROAM BC, 1739 Mayneview Terrace, North Saanich, BC V8L 4L5 Canada.

If your enquiry is in regards to a ‘Lost or Found Pet’, please complete the appropriate form from the ‘Lost and Found Menu’ above,  or send an email to 

778-977-6260 or 778-977-6265

    Your Name (required)

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    Your Message

    Thanks to Terry and co. for working with Good Samaritan (Dan) to help capture and return Smokey, our very sly and speedy sled-dog. Even more importantly, thank you for understanding our plight and helping to educate and encourage us rather than chastising us or suggesting that we give up on our dog. We adopted Smokey knowing that she has serious issues to work through, but we did so because she is an excellent physical and emotional companion for our son, who has also had a very difficult time making it through elementary and middle-school with his self-esteem intact. In giving Smokey what she needs, we are also providing our son with the motivation and example he desperately needs to take good care of both his dog and himself.
    Kevin & Jindra B