
Donate to ROAM

Due to the fact that ROAM is 100% volunteer driven, we greatly appreciate donations to aid us in attaining the much needed equipment and supplies for our searches. While we have personally purchased a good portion of the equipment needed, we can definitely use a few more traps, slip leashes, safety vests and other such things. Paper, ink, fuel, bait-food and other supplies are very expensive and most certainly add up for both the owner, and the ROAM searchers and volunteers. We most often assist owners of lost dogs (in particular), to flood the area with posters of their lost dog so that he/she has the best chance of being ‘seen’ by the general public. Any monies collected will go to either our ‘ROAM Supply Fund’ to help offset some of these costs for our admins and volunteers and the ‘ROAMER Fund’. This fund will be specifically geared at assisting the owners of dogs or cats (posted on ROAM), who may have been injured while out on their own. This will be an emergency fund that may enable ROAM to give the ‘go-ahead’ to a vet to begin emergency/comfort treatment on an animal (in the absence of an owner), or where the owner is not immediately able to come up with the required funds to begin emergency treatment for their pet.

A huge thank you to ROAM and all of the the kind volunteers who dropped everything to look for our beloved runaway Kalle!! We were absolutely astounded at how quickly ROAM immobilized after I got in touch. Within an hour they had posters printed and volunteers scouring Mt. Doug. Every walker I stopped on the mountain to ask if they had seen my missing dog had already seen a poster and/or been approached by someone else! I couldn’t believe it. We are so very, very grateful for everyone’s efforts. We were so distraught that Kalle was missing but were very heartened by realizing what a caring community we live in. It was a long 6 hours, but all’s well that ends well!! Thank you all!! And another huge thank you to the kind woman that pulled over and rescued him from Blenkinsop Road when he ran into traffic! I was too overwhelmed to get her name. Kalle and I will be enjoying an ON-LEASH walk today in the beautiful sunshine.
Sarah E