
Resources to find your lost pet

Tips for Finding your Missing Cat
If he/she uses a litter box, we suggest putting the DIRTY one outside (in a dry spot) near your house. Also take something that smells like you, and put it in a crate, or something else that will stay dry. (A large plastic garbage bag will sometimes fit right over a cat crate to keep it nice and dry.) Place a bowl of water out as well. If you put food out, put just a little bit so that he/she stays hungry and will be more inclined to stick around.

Posters are a key factor in helping to get cats home. If your cat doesn’t return the same day, we suggest making up at least 25-30 posters (to start.) Put them up all over the neighbourhood. Bus shelters and community mailbox stations are good places to post them, as are telephone poles. Place the posters in plastic covers (with the opening at the bottom), so that they stay dry. These can be purchased at Monks, Staples, or other office supply stores. Large Glad Storage Bags also work well and cost around $4 for 40 (from Walmart.)

Also knock on neighbours doors and ask them to check their garages, sheds, and any place that your cat could be hiding in their yard.

When our cat Harry disappeared, we were referred to ROAM.BC (amongst others) by our vet and found their quick response & organization incredible; from offering a ready-to-print poster and tips on how to help logically coax your animal home (when emotions flood in) and separate personal support emails, we felt the fortification of much encouragement! We had no idea there was such a service! Thankfully he arrived home on his own and ROAMBC’s closure was one of kind elation! A huge huge thank you for your readiness and help! – Faye