LOST an animal?

Please fill out the appropriate form below to report your animal missing to ROAM.

FOUND an animal?

If you have someone’s animal in your possession, fill out the appropriate form below to report it to ROAM.

SPOTTED an animal?

Please fill out the appropriate form below to report your roaming animal sighting.

Welcome to ROAM – Reuniting Owners with Animals Missing

Reuniting Owners with Animals Missing Ltd. (ROAM) is a Registered Canadian Charity established to assist owners in finding their lost or missing pets.

Missing Dogs: 11

Missing Cats: 1917

Missing Pets: 156

Found Dogs: 165

Found Cats: 756

Reunited: 12930


Pre-register your dog or cat

We at ROAM are not only trying to help reunite lost dogs and cats with their owners, but also trying to do so in the quickest and least stressful way possible. We now offer a free pre-registration system for your dog or cat! Pre-registering your pet with ROAM will provide you with peace of mind in the event that your pet becomes separated or lost. It will save crucial time searching for ‘the perfect photo’ and also filling out the forms required to post your lost pet. Our system will store vital information about your pet in our registry, and should you ever need to get a hold of us quickly, we will have most of the vital information for your pet(s) already in our system.

Our volunteers

ROAM is entirely volunteer-driven. Our founders, administration, searchers and spotters are 100% volunteer and are not paid for any of the work done for the organization. It is a massive undertaking to have an organization like ROAM up and running smoothly and efficiently. We are 100% committed to helping owners reunite with their lost pets. We value and appreciate our volunteers immensely. Without the efforts of our volunteers, we could not run our organization in the manner that we do. Every poster that is put up, every extra set of eyes out searching for a lost pet, and every ‘share’ or ‘like’ on a post, means that an animal has that much more of a chance at getting home safely.

Donate to ROAM

We greatly appreciate donations to aid us in attaining the much needed equipment and supplies for our searches. While we have personally purchased a good portion of the equipment needed, we can definitely use a few more traps, slip leashes, safety vests and other such things. Paper, ink, fuel, bait-food and other supplies are very expensive and most certainly add up for both the owner, and the ROAM searchers and volunteers. ROAM is a registered charity (number 778847699RR0001) and tax receipts are issued for donations of $25 or more.